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New! A world of weirdness as
Strange Magazine
takes on TV and offers you its Strange World.
Now you can see what you could only read about before:
The Selbyville Swamp Monster Investigation--in which investigators Mark Chorvinsky and Mark Opsasnick journey into Delaware's great Burnt Cedar Swamp in search of the secret of the infamous swamp monster.
The Search for the Elusive Thunderbird Photograph--what is the whole story behind the mysterious photo--purported to be that of a giant pterodactyl-like creature--taken in Tombstone, Arizona in the late 1800s? So many have seen it, but no one can find it! The Strange World News, including Batsquatch, the Toxic Woman, Green Rain, and the UFO Report.
See and hear your fortean favorites: Mark Opsasnick, Peter Johnson, W. Ritchie Benedict, Loren Coleman, and Strange Magazine Editor Mark Chorvinsky. Strange World captures Strange Magazine's special flavor and attitude.
Send for this groundbreaking show today! No fan of Strange will want to miss this fortean video treat. Order this 30-minute video now--there will only be a limited number of these tapes made and this is sure to become a collector's item. Each tape is $17.95. Available only in VHS. Sorry, no foreign formats available.
How To Order